Monday, December 24, 2007

Finding That Perfect Xmas Gift...It Ain't So Hard

Santa was spotted doing a little Xmas shopping this afternoon. He found that perfect he may be a little late delivering his the kids' toys tonight.

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Oh...and fantasizing about speaking of the perfect Xmas gift...I wouldn't mind finding one or two of these under my tree...or anywhere else around the house for that matter :-)

There's a little surprise at the end of this clip that I thought was interesting.

Merry Xmas to all.

Badaboom Badabing...


OldHorsetailSnake said...

Well this stuff is better than the average bear.....

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Well this stuff is better than the average bear.....

kenju said...

Hoss got so excited that he posted a comment twice!!

That was pretty cute, but the santa was too skinny. The second clip was more for men, right? LOL

Merry Christmas, Badabing!

Anonymous said...

well. I was hollering for my hubby to come and watch it for me ;) but he as usually was ignoring me while playing air guitar to some Van Halen song, and then I get to the surprise. Veeeery interesting, heh.

Anonymous said...

I did that tag you asked a while back ;) now my fever is back and Im off to bed. It's been fun to sit and do absolutely NOTHING for the past 1.5 hours.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Badaboob is right! (And I ain't talking about Ron Paul.)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Years to you and yours Badabing.

Badabing said...

Thanks Claudia...and same to you.

Hale McKay said...

Too funny - Santa shopping!

Have a Happy New Year!

DirkStar said...

Very funny blog you have here!

I dig it...