Friday, August 17, 2007

Women Love Golf

I'm not gonna' say a word

Badaboom Badabing...

my Home page


Serena said...

Oh, my. No words necessary. LOL!

Love your sidebar reading list -- I've read just about everything on it. I love it that a man -- and a "horny old baby-boomer" at that -- reads Janet Evanovich. So cool!

Badabing said...

Thanks serena...that reminds me, I've got to update that list.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to. heh!

kenju said...

Well, I got two for you....GOOD LORD!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

I can't believe that you had no words. I mean, it's just a picture of a female golfer and her trophy....oh....trophy. Ew.
Sry bout that.

Sudiegirl said...

Oh see, that's why I don't play golf.